Deep friendship with another man
My heart stops, I don’t know if I can
Inside I start to feel some rage
Not sure if I want to turn that page
I do have some close men friends
And often we would meet at weekends
We meet together at the pub
We sit together and eat some grub
We drink some beer, we puff our chest
We always try to look our best
We tell our stories of the week
Although we only share a peek
We also watch the football match
The pretty girl she’s such a catch
We loath about our latest car
We drink more beer at the bar
We see other men across the room
Weaker men we do assume
The men walk past we do but glance
But smile to them well there’s no chance
For I was raised to distrust men
Jonathon, Martin, Richard, and Ben
And through the lens of my mother
When I see other men I do take cover
Taught that every man is a threat
This has been hard to forget
At times I want to open up
Empty the contents of my cup
For I open up to to women yes
And there I feel I can confess
For women don’t compete with me
They simply listen drinking tea
But being vulnerable with a man
I really don’t know if I can
For I have worn the mask of strength
To keep all men at arm’s length
But now I’d like to share my truth
The wounds I bared in my youth
I long to speak straight from my heart
Instead of sharing just a fart
For I have feelings in my gut
And all this time my door’s been shut
But I am ready to be brave
Without regret before my grave
For only men can get my story
Can know my truth and feel my glory
Only men can know my pain
And only men can feel my shame
And when my guard does come down
No more will I feel like a clown
For every man is like a brother
Each one hurts just like the other
So come on men the time has come
Forget the lessons taught by mum
She only knew what she was taught
It was to protect you so she thought
Let’s bond together with strong glue
Peter, Paul, me and you
Let us learn to listen with our heart
Forget the past, make a new start
It’s time that we learned how to speak
And time to admit we can be weak
Our vulnerability is our thread
Speak from the heart and not the head
Speak from the gut and from the soul
No need to always want control
For you are not alone my friend
For all men share the same life blend
We’ll dive into the sea of fears
And open up our sleeping ears
Let’s cultivate a deep compassion
Not talk about the latest fashion
It’s time to drop the macho mask
This can be an easy task
Drop your gentle nice guy image
Its time us men got into scrimmage
Let’s help each other through this life
And into freedom beyond the strife
And once we open to each other
This life will be like no other
We’ll end the war between each man
We’ll honour women I know we can
And then we’ll move into our power
And we can blossom like a flower
The rewards are huge, the benefits clear
But are you prepared to remove your fear
Can you jump into the river of man
Come with me I know you can
For we will need warriors of love
Who are ready to shift and rise above
For as brothers we are stronger
As brothers love lasts longer
And we will not have any regrets
To this I say place your bets
We can end this world of fear
And it won’t be drinking beer
And now the time has finally come
Although it will be hard for some
To look into a brother’s eyes
And share your love before he dies
I’m begging you to form a bond
Sit in circle round a pond
Feel the love of your fellow men
Jonathon, Martin, Richard, and Ben