I am the Magician
A wizard, a shaman, a priest, a prophet
Some people say I am the New Entrepreneur
For I bring conscious innovation, wisdom, and light into the world
For me, life is limitless, possibilities are endless, potential is infinite
I devour human problems
Each problem seen as a doorway to transformation
A passage home into perfection
For years I searched, yearning for truth
I read scriptures, books, bibles, and things
I explored mountains, rivers, lakes, and trees
I sacrificed my body, attempted to transcended my mind
But why this search
For selfish knowledge, superiority, arrogance
To be seen as the greatest, intelligent, different, separated
An escape, an adventure, running deeper into drama
My brain got strong, my body weak
My persona in conflict, my soul was lost
My behaviour unbalanced, erratic, selfish, manipulating
At times I wanted to disappear from this world, to hide myself
To cast a spell and be gone forever
The magic is not out there in the books, the ashram, the forest
The hiding, the running, the striving, the searching
My magic lies in my weakness, my aches, my pains, my shadows
My vulnerability is the doorway to acceptance
A deep black hole of relief
Falling deeper into the hole, deeper into self-acceptance
The wounds of the past come forth, transparent
The shame, the guilt, the anger, the fear
I stand at the edge of death, surrendering to you
The initiation is done
My greatest gift is to trust
Trust the voice inside of my soul
The intuition of my heart
The deep message of stillness
From this place I am the master navigator
Navigating through inner and outer worlds
I carry infinite strength and power
Breaking down the doors of dual perception
Life is my playground, a dance of fun
In you I see potential
In you I see transformation
In you I see me
Now I am the loyal advisor to my King
His senses belong to me
I listen for his direction from that Sacred Stillness
I gain clarity through the eyes of another brother
The touch of the grass
The smell of the ocean
The taste of honey
For I am the Magician
Craig White