I am the Lover
Hmmmm, the joy of life
My senses alive, open
Life is a dance
An ecstatic dance
A beautiful waltz
To me, no boundaries
For the Universe is forever
All things connected
No you, no me
Ahhhh, the sound of the ocean
The touch of your hair
The taste of your nectar
The smell of the lilly
The view from the mountain
I have no words
This heart is my compass
My feelings are my anchor
But wait I’m slipping
Please help me, I’m falling
As I often do
Drunk from compassion
I’m addicted to you
Attachment and greed
Oh, I know these well
Then impotence came
And I fall into the well
Come to me now
I really need you
No more can I live
Simply admiring the view
My warrior is needed
For he gives me strength
And I give him joy
I teach him to play
My magician shares secrets
So I can witness the world
For I give him glue
So he stays close to me and you
My king, oh my king
Brings me order and purpose
And I give him beauty
So he rules with love
The feminine is my lover
We move in celebration
Because I am gentle
She lets me inside
Open your chest
Let me come inside you
Let me fill you with warmth
Trust in me
I will take you home
For I am the Lover